May 27, 2012

Things that make you go "grrrr!"

Scientist: Evolution debate will soon be history

Did you happen to catch this article?

Several things in this article bothered me. Aside from the fact that I don't believe in evolution, the part that bothered me the most was his reference to what I believe, as a Christian. I believe in a young earth. I don't believe the earth has existed for billions of years, but a mere 6-8,000. Maybe 12,000, at the most. I believe that because it just makes sense. Articles like this provide theological and scientific evidence that supports a young earth, instead of a billions-of-years-old earth. I know there are some Christians who believe the earth was created through evolution, or that God used evolution in his creation. I won't delve into that, because I want to focus on what really bothered me about the evolution article on yahoo.

You see, he could have just stated what he "knew" as a scientist, and leave the creation debate completely out of it. I know for a fact that not all evolution skeptics are Christian, or have any faith at all, for that matter. Some of the many skeptics of evolution are skeptic simply because it's a hard pill to swallow when you are shown ALL evidence. Some of the skeptics of evolution are actually SCIENTISTS! (gasp) It's not a theory that is supported by all in the scientific community. Only those who refuse to see any other possibility to the evidence that is gathered whole-heartedly believe in evolution, and whole-heartedly refuse to believe in God.

"Leakey insists he has no animosity toward religion." Really? Then why does he feel the need to mention the book of Genesis? It's because those who believe what is taught in Genesis are the most outspoken opponents to evolution. But they're not the only opponents.

What Leakey doesn't understand is that there are a lot of scientists (I don't know the exact number, but I would wager in the thousands) who believe, in light of various forms of evidence (geological, anthropological, astronomical, biological, etc.) that the theory of evolution just does not hold up. Many of these same scientists have since converted to Christianity because of this evidence. But Leakey, and others like him, don't want to take that into consideration. To him, all who believe in what the Bible tells us about the origins of the earth and of mankind, are simple-minded, holding onto "religion" because "people really need a faith." He doesn't want to consider that some people have found "a faith" BECAUSE of that scientific evidence!

Okay, I'm done.