June 11, 2012

2012/2013 School Year

One of my favorite times of the year is the time right before school is finished. It's not because we'll be on summer break, with lots of carefree time on our hands. Well, okay, that's part of it. I mean, come on!

But for me, it's because I love looking toward the next school year and planning what we're going to use. I love looking at curriculum possibilities, and different ways of organizing our homeschool and our schedule. If you are one of those that loves new school supplies or office supplies, then you know what I'm talking about. Except for homeschooling, it's that feeling, but on steroids!

I love to search online and in catalogs for things that might improve the way we do things, or replace something that just didn't quite work for us. Most of the time I browse just for fun, but with no intention of actually buying anything. Yeah, I can do that. I know many can't, but I'm strong-willed. Sometimes, though, I get the added thrill of looking to buy. I might need a new math program, or a new science book for my oldest child. Sometimes I'm just buying the next level of something we are already using, or the supplements that coordinate with it. For instance, our history curriculum uses real books for the lessons - biographies, historical novels, and literature - for each time period we're studying. So when we move onto the next year plan and the next time period, we need some of the books that go with it.

Truthfully, the majority of what I buy I find used. I mean, why pay $30 for something when you can buy it from someone used for $15, right? So I find what I want to use, and then I search and search for good used options. But sometimes I get lucky am forced to buy it new. I love hate that!

I've already searched for things that I need to get, and things I might want to get. I made a list, and now I'm checking it twice. Now the fun REALLY starts! Purchasing! And then I wait as package after package starts arriving at my doorstep. I'm getting giddy just thinking about it!

Then I get to sit down with everything and plan how to use it for the next year. I also get to plan our project, field trips, and days off at the same time! I already looking forward to Thanksgiving! Ha ha!

Anyway, that's a glimpse into my life right now. My next post I'll share how I plan our weekly schedules. Oooohhh! Dare to dream!

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